Class 12

Teachers are requested to give a 4-digit number to their students as school code. It enables the teachers to sort and view their students’ responses easily at one click. Access to ‘View responses’ is given to teachers on request by email.  If the same teacher is teaching more than one section, allot another 4 digit number. Teachers may send a request mail to to get access to view responses.

The Last lesson - Alphonse Daudet

Day -1 Vocabulary Exercises

Phrases (best viewed in PC or laptop)

Day -2 Lesson Part -1    

Day -3 Lesson Part -2    

How to save a language from Extinction  (For Writing and Speaking)

Lost Spring - Anees Jung

Listen to the audio once or twice, note down as many phrases/collocations as possible and try the Dictogloss given below    Audio

Deep Water - William Douglas


Balaji Marakwar said...

Dear Sir,
It's really constructive and resourcef platform interspersed with innovative methods of teaching learning in the wake of this pandemic.
With regards
Balaji Marakwar
PGT English
NDA Pune

Balaji Marakwar said...

We are looking forward to your more innovative projects in future.
That will inspire the teacher like me a lot.


Thank you so much. Your resources are proving to be very useful to us.

Unknown said...

It's good

SASI RAJ said...

Dear Eugin Sir

Dictogloss is wonderful language learning activitiy - most of the international language teachers use it. It helps learners sharpen their listening skill. It also helps them learn new structures and patterns of English sentences. The activity moves from listening to writing and producing the same text. As there are stages of repetition of words, phrases and even sentences, the activity provides ample scope for learners to learn language chunks from the text.

Children will certainly enjoy this learning task.Teachers will surely notice the improvement of listening skill in students over a period of time.

I am extremely happy that you have integrated the dictogloss activity into this listening task. Kudos to you.

I earnestly request all the teachers to use it.

All the best for this and all your future innovations.

Sasi Raj,PGT-English, KV Lonavla

contra-litera said...

Dear Mr Eugene
Tech-savvy as you are, and hard working as you are known to be, this initiative valiantly taken by you is going to earn you and us long-lasting rewards.

As the present age student take to technology as a hare takes to grass, as for that matter duck to water, we teachers have to be on the go. (OTG.. in their to say).

So, needless to say, just confining ourselves to class, would relegate us to the stone age, and render us defunct and obsolete.

I really appreciate you keeping pace with the new age learning.. We are being immensely benefited by it...Thanks for helping us prevail over these times of uncertainty..

KV-1 (Army) Jodhpur

Unknown said...

Dear sir
Having gone through the contents prepared with your sinsere efforts,I have myself realised that the online teaching will be boosted up through these contents and I am personally benefitted and inspired as well.
With regards

Sanjay kumar
PGT English